After the first peeks into the Cobalt router hardware, I was curious if Genode is fit for operating the NICs with the drivers ported from iPXE. I used the lwip run scenario for this purpose like follows.

make -C build/x86_64 run/lwip KERNEL=nova
sudo dd if=build/x86_64/var/run/pci.iso of=/dev/sdb bs=1M conv=fsync
picocom -rlb 115200 /dev/ttyUSB0

But as I expected, the NIC driver does not know anything about the devices.

[init -> nic_drv] Found: 01:00.0 8086:157b (rev 03) IRQ 00
[init -> nic_drv] no driver found
[init -> nic_drv] Found: 02:00.0 8086:157b (rev 03) IRQ 00
[init -> nic_drv] no driver found
[init -> nic_drv] Found: 03:00.0 8086:157b (rev 03) IRQ 00
[init -> nic_drv] no driver found
[init -> nic_drv] Error: could not find usable NIC device

We do not update our ported iPXE drivers regularly so I had a look into the upstream sources and found out that the NIC is indeed supported but the PCI device ID is not listed. After I added it to our patch of the contrib sources the scenario started successfully.

[init -> nic_drv] Found: 01:00.0 8086:157b (rev 03) IRQ 00
[init -> nic_drv] using driver i210-2
[init -> nic_drv] PCI BIOS has not enabled device 01:00.0! Updating PCI command 0003->0007
[init -> nic_drv] 
[init -> nic_drv] PCI device 01:00.0 latency timer is unreasonably low at 0. Setting to 32.
[init -> nic_drv] 
[init -> nic_drv] bus_addr = fe600000 len = 20000
[init -> nic_drv] snprintf not implemented
[init -> platform_drv] 1:0.0 adjust IRQ as reported by ACPI: 0 -> 28
[init -> platform_drv] 1:0.0 uses IRQ, vector 0x1c, MSI 64bit capable, maskable
[init] child "nic_drv" announces service "Nic"
[init -> nic_drv] MAC address 19:00:00:0d:19:02
[init -> test-lwip_httpsrv] Create new socket ...
[init -> test-lwip_httpsrv] Now, I will bind ...
[init -> test-lwip_httpsrv] Now, I will listen ...
[init -> test-lwip_httpsrv] Start the server loop ...
[init -> test-lwip_httpsrv] got IP address

Then, I could successfully connect to the mini HTTP server and got the expected response.

w3m -dump

Welcome to our lwIP HTTP server!

This is a small test page.

You may find the described adaption of our iPXE port on my Cobalt topic branch, from where I’ll merge them into the Genode staging branch later. Also note that I added a simple test network DHCP script [1] [2] to the branch to separate the tests my general network infrastructure.
